Re(2): Re(2): Re(2): [SunRescue] WTB: Type 4 Keyboard Cable

Tim Hauber Tim_Hauber at
Thu Aug 12 14:45:47 CDT 1999

rescue at,Internet writes:
>> Oh now come on, I was doing good to remember the acronyms.  If I am
>I'm not quoting you on this.  :-)
>DTE = Data Terminal Equipment.  Examples include most computers,
>      terminals, and printers (dating from a time when a printer
>      frequently _was_ a terminal, ala DecWriter).
>DCE = Data Communication Equipment.  Modems, serial/parallel converters,
>      and most other serial equipment.
>Hooking DTE to DCE requires a straight through cable.  Hooking DTE to DTE
>back to back (as in a terminal to a computer or two computers to each
>other) requires a null-modem cable.  Hooking DCE to DCE back to back is
>almost never what you want to do.

Do what he says :-)

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