Re(2): Re(2): [SunRescue] WTB: Type 4 Keyboard Cable

Tim Hauber Tim_Hauber at
Thu Aug 12 14:33:26 CDT 1999

rescue at,Internet writes:
>Just going to an SS1, so I suppose it would be DTE, yes
Oh now come on, I was doing good to remember the acronyms.  If I am
remembering correctly, the sparc and the Mac are both DCE (I am vaguely
remembering Data Control and Data Terminal as the source for the Acronym) 
I think that the stupid stuff (the modem/terminal, or whatever ) is DTE,
while the smart stuff is DCE.  To hook a DCE to a DCE you need the cable
with the Null, which I think is the Mac Printer cable.  Don't quote me on
this, like I said earlier, I try cables till something works.


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