[SunRescue] WTB: Type 4 Keyboard Cable

James Lockwood lockwood at ISI.EDU
Thu Aug 12 13:24:00 CDT 1999

On Thu, 12 Aug 1999 Ed.Mitchell at centigram.com wrote:

> NETTREK!!!!!!!

NetTrek was a classic, I'm really hoping that Randy Carr goes ahead with
the new (Internet-playable) version.  My friends and I hacked 3.0 into
oblivion with ResEdit, it was amazing how tweakable the ships were. 

> How would I turn an old SE into a terminal?  Zterm should do the job on the
> software end, but what cable would I need to pull it off?  Mac printer
> cable?  Modem cable?  Something more special?

Mac printer cables usually have a null-modem pinout, so they should do
just fine.  I find it helpful to keep a box of null-modem adaptors and
gender benders on hand, that way you can almost always come up with
something that works.


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