Re(2): [SunRescue] WTB: Type 4 Keyboard Cable

Tim Hauber Tim_Hauber at
Thu Aug 12 11:09:28 CDT 1999

rescue at,Internet writes:
>How does one tell the null and straight cables apart, in a pile of cables?
>Also, can mac ram be used in any of the suns?
>Also, can mac HD's be used in any of the suns?
>Lots of mac junk coming surplus from moo U here....  no suns, though.

I wouldn't mind some mac junk.  If you have a significant pile of cables I
would build a little test box with LEDs that had 2 mini DINs and a DB25.
Suns that I have worked with all require parity memory (not PC parity,
with 1 parity bit per byte, but 1 parity bit per 32 bit word)and All the
Macs I know of use non-parity, so as far as I know the Sun memory would
prob'ly work in a Mac, but definitely not vice-versa


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