[geeks] Cheap Processing Threads

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 18 14:47:25 CDT 2019

Your response, along with some follow-up research, has me taking my still
unopened 256 Gig device back for the slightly more expensive 512 Gig device
for $30 more. It has 2x the capacity AND nearly double the IOPS.

This is what I bought:

This is what I'll get instead:


> On Mar 18, 2019, at 2:39 PM, Jonathan Patschke <jp at celestrion.net> wrote:
>> On Mon, 18 Mar 2019, Jonathan Patschke wrote:
>> NVMe is an amazing advance in storage protocols.  It upends many of the
>> assumptions that come with not seek time and having all your read-write
>> heads attached to one arm.
> s/ not / appreciable /
> Seriously, though, the NVMe industry group have a set of introductory
> slides that explain how nifty this is.  It's brave enough to leave most of
> SCSI behind, which means there's a lot of retooling in the rest of the
> stack, but the result is that storage speed becomes more a problem of not
> having enough PCIe lanes to keep things fed than one of waiting for your
> storage device to get around to what you told it to do.
> --
> Jonathan Patschke
> Austin, TX
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