[geeks] Texas Advanced Computing Center - TACC’s Ranger Supercomputer Begins New Life in Africa

Patrick Finnegan pat at computer-refuge.org
Tue Jul 15 09:35:41 CDT 2014

On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 9:03 AM, Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at gmail.com>

> Thought some might find this interesting - a story about a decommissioned
> supercomputer that was parted out at the rack level to seed supercomputer
> studies and research across several African nations...
> https://www.tacc.utexas.edu/news/feature-stories/2014/ranger-begins-new-life-
> in-africa

Interesting. We've sent chunks of some of our past machines (Pete, a
2007-built Xeon 5140 system, and Steele, a 2008-built Xeon E5410 system) to
a university in Columbia, who are partnered with Purdue's Network for
Computational Nanotechnology.  We were told that we had to carefully
calculate potential Gflops to avoid running afoul of export restrictions,
and could only send so many machines to one location.

I suppose that TACC avoided problems by breaking it up and sending smaller
pieces to different countries.

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I think that technically, this would qualify as a rescue for the receiving
nations. :)


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