[geeks] fax from Solaris and/or Linux?

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Mon Dec 16 14:22:12 CST 2013

> Thanks, Mouse.  I don't know what POTS is

Plain Old Telephone Service, as I think someone already said - analog
telephony over category-3 copper pairs.  These days typically with a
6P6C, 6P4C, or 6P2C jack for an interface, sometimes even one of the
few times when calling it "RJ11" is not an abuse of the term, though
AIUI it's perfectly fair to call it POTS if it uses some other
connector or even no connector per se at all (eg, two screw terminals).

> and any serial port I have is already plugged into a SPARC box.

IIRC you wanted USB; while I wasn't using it over a USB serial port, I
have no reason to think it wouldn't work fine that way, at least with a
2.0-capable faxmodem.  (1.0 faxmodems require much tighter timing from
the host; I can't remember how tight and I can't remember what USB
serial ports typically provide for timing constraints, so I can't
really compare the two.)  I have a USB-to-serial device which has
always Just Worked for me, though I haven't tried faxing over it
("uplcom0 at uhub0 port 2" / "uplcom0: Prolific Technology Inc.
USB-Serial Controller, rev 1.10/3.00, addr 2" / "ucom0 at uplcom0" - it
has no obvious brand name on the device, but the back side of the USB
end is marked "501667-0001" / "HC       SD".)  But that's with NetBSD;
I've never tried it with Linux or Solaris.  The serial port end uses a
nonstandard connector (DE-9), but `thanks' to peecees it's close to a
de-facto standard, certainly common enough that it's easy to deal with.

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