[geeks] Cheap/reliable backup?

Jonathan Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Tue Dec 3 09:30:07 CST 2013

On Tue, 3 Dec 2013, microcode at zoho.com wrote:

>> The TL;DR:
> No matter how many times I've seen that I can never remember what it
> means. I keep thinking BTDT but I know that's not it.

As a noun (as above), it means "executive summary."

As a statement by itself, it means:

    I am terribly sorry to have invited you to waste time in pointing me
    towards a resource that might allow me to grow my knowledge and skills
    in a direction that would enable me to solve the problem I initially
    groused about, and I would be better served paying a consulting to
    solve the problem for me so that I can instead grouse about how much
    they charged because I am an ungrateful excuse for a human who does not
    appreciate the cost of intellectual pursuit.

That is to say, the literal expansion is "too long; didn't read."

Jonathan Patschke | "No matter how much the government controls...any
Elgin, TX         %  problem will be blamed on whatever small zone of
USA               |  freedom that remains."         --Sheldon Richman

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