[geeks] Voip options

sammy ominsky s at avoidant.org
Wed Jul 20 09:26:33 CDT 2011

On 20/07/2011, at 04:42, gsm at mendelson.com wrote:

> There are tons of other options, varying in price and support.
> Sammy Ominsky (s at avoidant.org) from this list is the CTO of one of them,
> you can contact him for info.

Thanks for the plug :)

I was wondering if I should respond to Dan, because the truth is we're moving
away from the US residential market.  Support costs are too high on the
low-budget limited plan most entry-level customers choose.  Once we spend
15-30 minutes debugging a crappy internet connection and explaining that yes,
a constant uncontrolled bittorrent stream could interfere with phone calls,
we've blown the profit margin on a couple of months' service.  Verizon DSL
customers are our highest churn, and frankly we're glad to see them go.
Comcast customers tend to be very happy with us.

We are currently growing in the business sector, though :)  Once $sales_guy
explains how $3000 of semi-custom programming can do more of what you
specifically need than a $45,000 PBX and be extensible for the future, the
choice really is as black and white as the marketing literature claims.

> Sammy can set up a combination deal, but you will be paying for real
> with real support, so don't confuse his much higher rates with SKYPE's
> forum only support, or Vonage's guy in India who is reading a script.

Thanks.  Yeah, customer service in the business sector has to be of a much
higher caliber than home users put up with, and one of our stated goals is to
offer a higher-still level of support and customization.  We extend that to
our residential customers because it's the only infrastructure we have.  But
see above re what it costs us :/

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