[geeks] Mac definitions

Bob rjtoegel at verizon.net
Fri Jul 15 09:35:04 CDT 2011

>Air bags were originally designed and sold as an alternative to seat

I remember them being added because seat belts were not as safe as they
were thought to be.  I can imagine Detroit making them thinner and
to save cost.

>Today, of course, airbags are not typically tested on unrestrained
>drivers. Goodness knows what that explosive charge might do to a driver
>with his abdomen hurtling forward towards the steering wheel.

Not to mention is an exothermic chemical reaction (people have been
burned) and the crap that comes out when they deflate have been
reported to give some victims chronic respiratory problems because
they inhaled at the wrong time. There have been other injuries caused
by them as well.


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