[geeks] Mac definitions

Andrew Jones andrew at jones.ec
Sat Jul 9 21:10:29 CDT 2011

On 07/09/2011 02:48 PM, Mark Benson wrote:
> The only reason Solaris at home will become rare is licensing. Believe it or
> not a good few hobbyists prefer to be above board when it comes to at least
> having a base OS license. The hardware is easy to find, eBay is heaving with
> Sun SPARC stuff and the prices are dropping like lead bricks out of a 50th
> story window.

I suspect prices are dropping like lead bricks in part because Solaris 
is dropping support for UltraSPARC II/III/IV.  Otherwise-unsupportable 
hardware that would have made great test/dev/hobbyist gear is now much 
less useful.

The days of running brand spanking new Solaris on your dumpster-rescue 
SPARC hardware are past. Only Fujitsu and "Niagara"-based gear will 
retain Solaris support.  Sales numbers are low enough that I feel safe 
asserting that average hobbyists will not stumble across that stuff.

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