[geeks] Puluzzi IPC3402-net

Ben Greisler ben at kadimac.com
Mon Dec 26 19:48:58 CST 2011

Anyone have any experience with this network controllable PDU? I just can't
get into this thing beyond an initial setup? The web interface claims I have
the wrong creds. Telnet only gets me to the initial setup and not the
configuration. I can't find anything online besides the manual for it which is
only semi useful. Even the serial connection isn't working (but I might have
the wrong serial cable and I haven't checked that out yet).



Ben Greisler | Owner / Technical Lead |  Kadimac Corp
ofc: 215-821-1440 | email: ben at kadimac.com
Certified Member - Apple Consultants Network - ACSA | Xsan | ACT
Apple Professional Services Provider - Education and Enterprise

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