[geeks] Looking for options to increase IOPS (Storage)

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 20:04:38 CST 2010

On Feb 25, 2010, at 3:41 PM, "J. Alexander Jacocks" <jjacocks at mac.com>  

> What would you do?  I'm trying not to waste more money than I have to,
> and I'm also trying to get a reasonably good deal.

I wonder about the 10 Gigs of RAM, can you up that in any meaningful  
way?  Putting the drives in RAID0 (striped) and adding, say, 6 more  
gig to make it 16 Gigs might make a big difference. What hypervisor  
are you running? Are you over-subscribing the RAM? Eight VMs plus base  
OS in 10 Gigs is bound to page abit...


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