[geeks] Postgres

Ross Lonstein ross-sunhelp at lonsteins.com
Tue Dec 21 20:44:20 CST 2010

On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 08:50:25PM -0500, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> Folks,
> Anyone have any recommendation for Postgres training/certification
> resources, either online or otherwise?

I'm aware of a few though I haven't used them so I can't make any
comment on their services...

 - former Red Hat folks who rebrand Postgres as 'EnterpriseDB' and
   provide tooling, support and training
   Based in MA so someone on the list might know a guy.

 - Command Prompt, http://www.commandprompt.com/services/

 - PostgreSQL Inc. http://www.pgsql.com. I know the proprietor Marc,
   who has been in the core team since the mid-1990's.

There must be others.

- Ross

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