[geeks] KVM for Sun Sparc Servers with USB keyboards

Mike Meredith very at zonky.org
Wed May 6 02:04:58 CDT 2009

On Tue, 5 May 2009 21:46:49 -0400, Lionel Peterson wrote:
> Are you saying it has to be a "planned" anarchy, ones that evolve
> out of a failed state don't count?

Yes. Oh I dare say that you can find some anarchists who believe that
an anarchist society can evolve out of a failed state, but they're not
in a majority[0].

> I don't think I agree with that, isn't anarchy the exact opposite of
> a formal "state", making them mutually exclusive?

Many anarchists[1] believe that an anarchist society has to replace
many of the functions of the state. You could claim it is the opposite
of a formal state, or you could claim it is effectively an anarchist

Associating Somalia with anarchy is equivalent to claiming anarchists
want to live in a place that looks like Somalia ... something which is
patently false. Part of the problem is that there are at least two
definitions of "anarchy"[1] ... the dictionary definition and the
definition used by anarchists.

Incidentally associating Somalia with anarchy is also quite wrong
because the current situation in Somalia is blatantly a situation with
several mini-states.

0: There are revolutionary anarchists who believe in revolution to get
   to the anarchist society. This is a rather specialised form of 
   evolving an anarchist society from a failed state. And was
   particularly popular at the time of Tsarist Russia which
   interestingly enough is the form of society you get if you leave a
   failed state such as Somalia to stew for several centuries.
1: There's almost as many kinds of anarchism as there are anarchists.

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