[geeks] Impressive...

Mark Benson md.benson at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 17:53:34 CST 2009

On 4 Mar 2009, at 21:48, Lionel Peterson wrote:

> On Mar 4, 2009, at 2:15 PM, Nadine Miller <velociraptor at gmail.com>  
> wrote:
>> On Mar 2, 2009, at 11:58 PM, Mark Benson wrote:
>>> I can see why they make such good NAS arrays, it's just a pitty  
>>> Intel
>>> only put 1 RAM slot on them, I'd dearly love 4GB of RAM to cache for
>>> ZFS. Maybe I could use a Flash setup and use Johnny Schwartz's great
>>> ideal of having Flash as your cache using all ZFS's clever  
>>> algorithms
>>> to prevent it burning out :)
>>> See: http://blogs.sun.com/jonathan/entry/managing_a_bestseller
>> Maybe one of those 4 or 8GB SSD's someone's taken out of a netbook  
>> to upgrade?
> 32 Gig SATA SSDs are under $100, and sometimes 64 Gig drives are  
> about $100-125. Both are 2.5" notebook size.

I noticed if you do a Solaris 10 10.08 text console install (which I  
did to get the ZFS root) and use ZFS as the file system at one of the  
stages it gives you a choice of something like 'Standard' or 'Flash'?  
Anyone know what that's about?

Re: the SSD yeh I'd probably go for at least a 32GB if I was gonna use  
it as a file cache on a disk array.

As a hard drive nerd, I'm very proud of everyone's NAS arrays but I  
want half a chance of having something compact and quiet. 4 3.5"s and  
a 2.5" will suit me fine. I just need to find a magic 660 GBP to build  
the chassis and disks up for it with now :D If I wanted to add the  
disks in stages what would work best from a ZFS point of view? I hate  
the idea of buying 4 disks at once, for obvious reasons...

Mark Benson

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