[geeks] shot in the dark - Coherent manual?

Dave Fischer dave at cca.org
Sun Jun 7 02:36:23 CDT 2009

mrbill at mrbill.net writes:

>I've got installation media and a serial number, but I'm looking for a copy
>(scanned, physical, etc) of a manual for MWC (Mark Williams Co.)'s
>"Coherent" UNIX V7 clone.


Had one - bought that new back in... 88? 89? Had a lot of fun doing
graphics work in 64K code + 64K data per process...

Or are you talking about the 386 version? (Coherent 4.x)

------ David Fischer ------- dave at cca.org ------- http://www.cca.org ------
----------------- Young-goon! The vending machine says hi! ----------------

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