[geeks] Amusements for the time-shifted

821 821 at 128.ca
Sun Jun 7 00:37:29 CDT 2009

Does the uk count at all?

On 7 Jun 2009, at 11:54, "James Fogg" <james at jdfogg.com> wrote:

>> On Sat, Jun 06, 2009 at 10:36:04PM -0400, James Fogg wrote:
>>> I'm sure this isn't a secret. Personally I'm about to block all
>>> but US
>>> based IP ranges at home.
>> How do plan to receive emails from people outside the US?
> I don't think I've ever received a legitimate email from anywhere
> but the
> US or Canada. The Non-US mail traffic I get is via US based
> listservers.
> I'm not an international kind of guy.
> I did once receive an email from Eastern Europe that started out as
> legitimate, but it was a response to an ad for an antique car I was
> selling. It was, as I assumed, a scam.
> I'm sure there have been others, and if I do this I assume I'll
> inadvertently block something I'd rather not block, but I would like
> to
> reduce the noise on my wire.
> --
> James -
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