[geeks] IRN-BRU USA

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 16 19:57:12 CST 2009

On Feb 16, 2009, at 4:50 PM, Sridhar Ayengar <ploopster at gmail.com>  

> Lionel Peterson wrote:
>> Drink less? ;^)
> That's what I figured.  8-/
>> Seriously, I don't think it is being sold within 100 miles of you -  
>> check the website to be sure.  If it was a 100 mile trip (200 round- 
>> trip), how many bottles would you have to buy for it to be cheaper  
>> than UPS?
> Well, I take a lot of road trips, so...
> Anywhere between Boston, Washington and Toronto would probably be  
> close enough.

In one of those "I just don't know what they were thinking" ways, the  
website has a search facility that will only work up to 100 miles from  
an entered location, making it had to just look for a retailer.

Goody website aside, I think what you are really looking for is  
something like a beer distributor that caries this "bru", though I  
doubt there is sufficient demand for any distributor beyond the one  
that has the website.

Have you asked about a bulk shipment to your house?

A 20 oz bottle of coke retails between $1.25-1.50, and I can't imagine  
there is a retailer that sells this stuff for significantly less that  
the $2/bottle it costs from the importer... Coke has lock mfg. plants,  
this stuff takes a boat ride from Scotland to US, that can't be  
cheaper than Coke.

Sorry, but that's what it looks like from here.

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