[geeks] Linux Mail Servers

Brooke Gravitt gravitt at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 11:45:01 CST 2009

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Mark Benson <md.benson at gmail.com> wrote:

> eMail servers. I have no idea what, where or how. I want to buy a book
> to work from (probably an O'Reilly) but I don't know even what book is
> relevant. We need internal e-mail and a SMTP server to send out of the
> building. Ubuntu Server kindly loaded postfix and dovecot when I asked
> for a Mail Server. I have zero experience on either.

I ran postfix for a long time on RHEL and then on Mac OS X before moving my
personal & business domain to gmail. Postfix was dead-easy to configure &
keep running. IIRC, the O'Reilly book was of minimal use, and just scouring
the 'net was a better bet. YMMV.

You're on the other side of the pond, right? If not I can probably sned you
my book. It's been collecting dust for a long time.


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