[geeks] EVC and HP C360...

Cody Swanson mailinglists at sysop.ca
Mon Aug 10 11:17:52 CDT 2009

I believe you have to hit tab to select the display device on boot.

nate at portents.com wrote:
> Hi,
> Do any geeks out there happen to know if:
> a) there are different types of EVC to VGA adapters
> or
> b) if there's something that can cause an HP Visualize C360 (PA-RISC)
> workstation to not output video through it's video card?
> A few years ago I bought a C360 off ebay, it didn't come with a hard drive
> and didn't have an EVC adapter at the time, and I recently got around to
> installing a hard drive and plugging in an EVC to VGA adapter, and I don't
> get any video on boot.  Seems to go through a normal boot (lights on front
> seem normal, heartbeat LED eventually blinks reguarly), keyboard numlock
> comes on and caps lock light can be activated/deactive with caps lock.
> - Nate
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