[geeks] the end of the internet as we know it.

Steve Haavik shaavik at soc.lib.md.us
Tue Aug 4 06:42:41 CDT 2009

I'm pretty sure it could only apply to ISPs in the US. My quick read of it 
(it's only 13 pages of large type) didn't turn up anything offensive. I 
could be wrong, but it doesn't look like it's even outlawing traffic 
shaping. I believe you just need to ensure that if you give VOIP traffic a 
higher priority, you give ALL VOIP traffic a higher priority not just the 
traffic headed to your VOIP switch. And if you DO shape the traffic in a 
way that will affect your customers, you need to document and disclose it 
to your customers.

Starting on page 8:
16 ing in this section shall be construed to prohibit an Inter-
17 net access provider from engaging in reasonable network
18 management consistent with the policies and duties of
19 nondiscrimination and openness set forth in this Act. For
20 purposes of subsections (b)(1) and (b)(5), a network man-
21 agement practice is a reasonable practice only if it fur-
22 thers a critically important interest, is narrowly tailored
23 to further that interest, and is the means of furthering
24 that interest that is the least restrictive, least discrimina-
25 tory, and least constricting of consumer choice available.
  1 In determining whether a network management practice
  2 is reasonable, the Commission shall consider, among other
  3 factors, the particular network architecture or technology
  4 limitations of the provider.
  5       ''(e) TRANSPARENCY FOR CONSUMERS.--With re-
  6 spect to any Internet access service or private trans-
  7 mission capacity offered to the public, each Internet access
  8 service provider shall provide to consumers and make pub-
  9 licly available detailed information about such services, in-
10 cluding information about the speed, nature, and limita-
11 tions of such services. Each Internet access service pro-
12 vider must publicly disclose, at a minimum, network man-
13 agement practices that affect communications between a
14 user and a content, application, or service provider in the
15 ordinary, routine use of such broadband service.

I do have to wonder when the first jackass is going to try to use 
this to sue their local library for filtering their (free) wireless 
internet access.

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