[geeks] Backup software (yeah, yeah, I know)

Sheldon T. Hall shel at artell.net
Thu Apr 9 16:01:51 CDT 2009

 Saith Chad McAuley ...

> It looks like Burn to the Brim[0] will handle (a) and (b), but then 
> you'd have to burn the ISOs manually using your favorite burning 
> software. I haven't used it in a while, so I don't know how 
> well the ISO creation works.  But a few years ago when I used it
> regularly for creating archive CDs it worked great at splitting
> files/folders up efficiently. 

I'll let you know about that soon, as I'll be trying it tomorrow.

> I also just stumbled across PackEmIn[1], which 
> for $8 looks like it does everything you want.

It does, except it doesn't.  It's got a good interface, divvies up the files
and folders nicely, and all that.  All goes fine until it starts to write
something, then it craps out with an "integer overflow" error.  Sometimes it
just hangs at the same point, and I'm guessing it's the same problem, but
the program's too far gone to report the error.

That's a consistent error with the bunch of files I'm ttying to back up,
using either of the two grouping options, and trying to burn or just
generate ISOs.  I even tried making changes to the list, in case it was a
result of a particular layout, number of files, etc.

I'm really disappointed, since otherwise it seems to be dam' near perfect.


[pointers to projects]
> [0]: http://bttb.sourceforge.net/
> [1]: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,2037102,00.asp

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