[geeks] education systems around the world

hike mh1272 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 25 15:55:23 CDT 2008

On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 4:51 PM, hike <mh1272 at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 4:21 PM, Jonathan C. Patschke <jp at celestrion.net>wrote:
>> On Sat, 24 Oct 2008, hike wrote:
>>  I just asked a question.  Why won't you answer it?  A simple yes or no is
>>> adequate.
>> No it isn't, since we haven't agreed on what those terms mean.  I don't
>> claim to support anarchy.  You claim I do.  Therefore, we have a
>> disagreement somewhere.
>> I've given you adequate information to determine whether or not I fit your
>> definition of the word 'anarchist', you keep telling me I'm avoiding the
>> question.
>> To me, "anarchy" means blowing up government buildings and corporate
>> offices and doing whatever you want without regard to how it affects
>> anyone else, and an "anarchist" is someone who promotes that.  I've
>> already told you, that is not what I support, and that is not what I am.
>>  Your avoidance of an actual answer is telling.
>> It's telling of nothing beyond my increasing frustration with your
>> unwillingness to explain what it is that you're after.  So, until you
>> provide me with a definition I can meet, my answer is what I've said the
>> whole time: "No"
>>  Until that is answered, I see the rest of your response as psychobabble.
>>> (Particularly since you are putting word in my mouth that I have not
>>> written or spoken.)
>> Where?  I've done no such thing!  I'm just trying to figure out what you
>> mean, and I'm repeatedly giving you sufficient information to determine
>> the answer for yourself.
>> Let's try this a different way:  Define "anarchy", then define
>> "anarchist".  If I meet or fail your definition, I'll tell you.
>> --
>> Jonathan Patschke | "There is more to life than increasing its speed."
>> Elgin, TX         |                                   --Mahatma Gandhi
>> USA               |
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> Jonathan,
> Thanks for the "No" answer.
> Since you say you are not an anarchist, why do you subscribe to a
> philosophy that supports/leads to anarchy?
Also, anarchy is not synonymous with violence.  Violence is a tool to
achieve anarchy.  Violence is not the only tool nor the exclusive tool to
achieve anarchy.  Totalitarian adherents commonly use violence to achieve
their goals.  More destruction has occurred by those opposing anarchy that
by those supporting anarchy.

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