[geeks] removing tobacco smell etc [was:now Health Care]

Nadine Miller velociraptor at gmail.com
Thu May 29 14:01:46 CDT 2008

Bill Bradford wrote:
> On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 09:57:34PM -0400, Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:
>> Simple Green cleaner on the plastics, least likely to affect the plastic or 
>> rubber.
>> Goo Gone can do some weird things to plastics, use with care.
> "Krud Kutter" (bought it at the local Ace Hardware) also works; it's a
> citrus-acid-based product.

Anything with citrus oils can cause damage to plastics if left on too 
long, though.

As for the smell, how about a container of baking soda or carbon 
filtration medium set in the bottom of the case, while running?  Both 
are good at absorbing odors.


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