[geeks] grudging praise for a Micosoft product

Mark md.benson at gmail.com
Tue May 27 15:09:26 CDT 2008

On 23 May 2008, at 17:05, Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:

> One of my clients recently loaned me a nice high-end Dell laptop.
> I am very tough on keyboards, a symptom of having learned on a  
> manual typewriter. After less than 2 months the Dell laptop keyboard  
> (not the best keyboard to begin with) is showing shiny spots on the  
> space bar and certain keys.
> I decided to get a Microsoft Wireless Laser Desktop 6000 that was on  
> sale at the local Staples, figuring it would reduce wear on the  
> keyboard.

I've bought, owned and sworn by Microsoft mice since I first uses a 2- 
button serial one. I have unusually long, slim fingers and find a lot  
of conventional mice are too small for my hands (I hope you are  
listening Mr Jobs!). I currently use a batter, 8.5 year old MS  
Intellimouse Explorer on my KVM, which, after a wire fix, is still  
going strong even though it needs a clean and most of the silver paint  
is long gone. I recently got my boss to buy a IntelliMouse (a USB 4.0  
version). for my work PC after I got fed up with the crap that Dell  
were using and took mine into work. As always it fits my hand  
perfectly, so well in fact that I bought one for the Mac Pro at home  
almost straight afterwards.

For keyboards, Apple's suck, save as others have mentioned for the  
Aluminium ones they are currently selling, my folks bought me a  
Wireless one for Xmas and I went bezerk looking for batteries when  
they ran out for the first time last week as I can barely live without  
it now :) For conventional PS/2 keyboards I use an IBM KB-9910 on my  
KVM that's a really nice plain ordinary and very well made one.

Mark Benson

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