[geeks] now housing costs

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Wed May 21 15:47:46 CDT 2008

Jonathan Katz wrote:
> Another comment on the state of people... one the way to San Jose I had to
> fly through Los Angeles. The Angeleans were baffled that anyone would fly
> THROUGH their city and that it wasn't an origin or destination.

I can buy that.  Los Angeles tended (or tends) not to be a hub city, 
because of where it's located.  I would've expected to fly via Chicago, 
or Cincinnati or Denver or someplace like that.

New York was, way back when, because of all the air traffic to Europe. 
And then it wasn't when the jets evolved to the point where one could 
fly from the middle of the country to Europe nonstop.  And now it's 
becoming one again because of things like JetBlue deciding to put its 
hub where all the people are.  The rising airport fees and congestion at 
the big hub cities (Atlanta, Chicago, etc.), coupled with the 
already-built large airport infrastructure in the New York area probably 
contributed as well.

The air system is chaotic.  I mean, who ever would've predicted the 
enormous quantity of air traffic there would be in Anchorage.

Peace...  Sridhar

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