[geeks] [rescue] Airport Security and Rescues...

Erie Patsellis erie at shelbyvilledesign.com
Fri Mar 28 21:38:20 CDT 2008

Of course one might note that the Catholic Church itself broke away from 
the Orthodox Church over a dispute that from what I recall was about the 
papal infallibility doctrine that became popular. While I'm decidedly 
agnostic, knowing that at least one of the major religions hasn't really 
wavered for nearly 2000 years does make one pause.


Brian Dunbar wrote:
> Mike Meredith wrote:
>> On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 16:34:02 -0500, Timothy Baldridge wrote: 
>>> So anyway, I know this is OT, I just get irritated when people try to
>>> lump the rest of us Christians in with the heretic organization that
>>> is known as the "Holy Roman Empire".
>> Well it may be known as that, but the Church of Rome has no relation to
>> the defunct HRE. Probably as many emperors were crowned without
>> approval as those who were. And they fought a war or two.
> The Roman Catholics are the ones following doctrine, it's the bunch that
> broke away who are the heretics, what with their insistence on the
> rights of man and following your heart and not letting a semi-literate
> priest interpret your Bible for and so forth.
> You will note that I wrote this in a "hey, it's all rock and roll, let's
> have a beer' way, and not one meant to incite peasant rebellions and all
> manner of unpleasant wars over fiddly bits of doctrine.

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