[geeks] [rescue] Airport Security and Rescues...

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 17:23:53 CDT 2008

Mike Meredith wrote:
>> The root answer is forceful subjugation of Muslim countries and 
>> deportation / the most severe restrictions on immigration unless they 
>> swear off such violence, explicitly.
>> But that is politically incorrect.  
> Apart from any other reasons, US bullying (as it would be seen by the
> recipients) is likely to make more potentially violent muslims grouchy.
> Doesn't seem the best way to calm things down.

US bullying might make *less* violent people pick up arms.

> Given veterans probably received a higher quality of training in the
> use of pointy objects, they're probably *more* dangerous with said
> pointy object than the average terrorist. Said veterans are less likely
> to use a pointy object, but it's not impossible.

Like I said in an earlier message, if you exempt one group from certain 
security measures, the terrorists will simply make themselves look like 
members of that group.  Crazy, not stupid.

> Was the Unabomber an Arab ? (Not that he was a veteran)

Nope.  White guy of Eastern European extraction.

Peace...  Sridhar

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