[geeks] P2P Monitoring / Mitigation

Patrick Giagnocavo patrick at zill.net
Tue Mar 25 10:23:39 CDT 2008

Bill Blum wrote:
> I work for a small liberal arts college, and we're getting *hammered*
> bandwidth-wise by students in the dorms with P2P.
> Our problem:   We have minimal budget, and we only have two staffers who
> deal full time with admin/networking issues.
> Anyone have suggestions for mitigation strategies aside from Cisco Clean
> Access or equivalents?

Yes, use PFsense and traffic shape (control the bandwidth) the 
connections to the dorms.  There is a web-based interface to most pieces 
of the setup, and a web-based "wizard" for the traffic shaper rules.

Recommended hardware: 1Ghz P3 or so, 256MB RAM, 2 good Intel NICs or 
anything gigabit.



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