[geeks] more eBay bullcrap

Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Thu Jun 5 00:25:10 CDT 2008

I just got a notice from ebay with my seller's invoice.

I've had a couple of auctions, so the fact I got one is not interesting.

What is interesting is that instead of it being a reminder for me to  
pay, it is a notification that they will be withdrawing the money  
directly from my bank account.

It also says I am signed up for 'eBay Direct Pay'.

Has anyone else seen one of these?

I looked at my last invoice from eBay and it didn't mention anything  
about Direct Pay or an automatic bank transfer.

Also, I have never signed up for Direct Pay, nor have I ever  
authorized eBay to access my bank account.  I even went to my local  
bank branch and asked them about eBay buying Paypal, and they said  
that did not give them the right to access my checking account.  eBay  
would have to create a new agreement and have me sign it.  They told  
me if eBay ever did that to call them, and I felt pretty good about  

So, the first thing I did was go to my seller account and check the  
invoice payment configuration.

It totally contradicts the email invoice.  Just like I always thought,  
I am not signed up for invoice payment, and I have to pay my invoice  
manually with a check or other manual transfer, which is how I like it.

eBay bug, or are they trying to play dirty tricks?

I'm obviously going to contact eBay about the error and the conflict  
between the email and my account setup, and I'll probably call my bank  
tomorrow too.

Just curious if anyone else has seen this and what you guys think  
about it.

Yet another reason to abandon eBay I guess.

It almost seems like a scam: send the email invoices out to people  
claiming you are signed up for Direct Pay, in an attempt to trick  
people into completing the sign up process from the seller account page?

I say that because if you go the the seller account page, the  
automatic payment setup is a huge section now, while the old single  
payment is a single small link.

It makes it look a whole lot like you have to sign up for automatic  

Shannon Hendrix
shannon at widomaker.com

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