[geeks] Leopard du, was: find - having a senior moment

Jonathan Groll lists at groll.co.za
Tue Jan 15 04:15:26 CST 2008

On Mon, Jan 14, 2008 at 09:47:25PM -0500, Shannon Hendrix wrote:
> On Jan 14, 2008, at 5:59 PM, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:

> > and an iCal icon that updates
> > with the current date when it isn't open.  Whee.
> I don't get that.
> In fact, I had to find a program to add that feature to Leopard,  
> because I like it.

Hmmm....not sure if I get it either, if you could explain? The screen
real estate is there, it may as well show some useful information, and
there is always the 'dot' indicator under the icon to indicate whether
the application is running or not.

This is my collection of assorted funnies I had (with fixes):
(1) Postfix error: user postfix has same user ID as _postfix
see fix at: http://ianshen.com/blog/?p=25
(2) Had to recreate crontab entries as launchd entries
(3) Preconfigured printers were lost, they must be reinstalled.
(4) ls -al now show @ and + signs at the end of file permissions, I
"+" means that there are ACLs associated with the object, wouldn't
mind someone pointing me to a man page telling me what they mean...
(5) The  "backspace sends delete option" in terminal.app, is no
longer there, this can be fixed by either export TERM=linux 
or by selecting the rxvt terminal type in terminal.app itself.
(6) synergyc must be launched in foreground (-f)
(7) pkgsrc build of ruby18-base failed but the tiger built binary is
still fine.

I am too scared to run X11 apps just yet (!) and haven't even put
10.5.1 on yet (have had it mentioned to me that it created problems),
so that could explain the relatively smooth upgrade experienced. No
problems with vmware usage.

On the plus side: mail.app now does IMAP IDLE (and RSS too,apparently; 
mail appetizer is broken now though!).


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