[geeks] Unusual Problem with KVM

Dan Sikorski me at dansikorski.com
Fri Jan 11 20:18:18 CST 2008

Sridhar Ayengar wrote:
> To satisfy my own curiosity, where is that setting?  I see "Turn off 
> monitor", but not "Sleep monitor".
Yeah, I'm not finding anything either, but my only windows PC is my 
laptop, and it runs vista, so i can't find anything anyway.  Did a 
little searching on google, and apparently, those options will change 
depending on what power modes your display hardware will support.  Might 
be a long shot, but do you have the appropriate driver for your monitor 
installed on the windows machine? 

I do distinctly remember having a monitor on a PC that could either be 
in one sleep mode, where the screen was off, and the LED was solid 
amber, or some other mode where it the screen would also be off, and the 
LED would blink.  it took the monitor longer to come back from one state 
than the other.

Here's an off-the-wall thought: (less literally than the keyboard and 
softball on a string idea) How does the monitor handle modes that it 
cannot display, might it be possible to have a screen saver that runs in 
a funky video mode that causes the screen to turn off, but since it's 
still getting signal allow you to switch to it?  More of a hack than a 
fix, but maybe it could work for you...

    -Dan Sikorski

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