[geeks] Quick Photo Manipulation Program

Joshua Boyd jdboyd at jdboyd.net
Mon Feb 25 07:45:59 CST 2008

On Feb 24, 2008, at 9:48 PM, Robert Brooke Gravitt wrote:

> Acorn?

I might try that.

As I was looking for the web page for Acorn, a review of Acorn turned  
me onto ImageWell.

ImageWell is almost perfect.  It runs then loads images acceptably  
quickly from the Finder Open With operation.  It is free.  The  
biggest complaint is that in the extended editing mode it is rather  
sluggish to execute operations like freestyle rotate.  That would be  
a lot more acceptable if they offered so rotation presets like both  
90deg CW and CCW.  I might email the author asking for that.

ImageWell even offers automated sftp uploads (as well as iDisk,  
SmugMug, regular FTP, and others).

I still have Acorn open to look into further.

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