[geeks] Ya-HoooooO!

Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Sat Feb 2 11:40:25 CST 2008

On Feb 1, 2008, at 8:45 AM, Lionel Peterson wrote:

> Apparently, Microsoft thinks Yahoo is worth more than 45 MySQLs -  
> they've just
> offered $45 Billion to purchase Yahoo.
> Heck, if you held Yahoo stock before it was announced, your shares  
> are now worth
> 60% more than they were on Thursday...
> Link to story: http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/080201/microsoft_yahoo.html?.v=14
> Yowza - this will be interesting.


I've always thought Yahoo sucked, and now it will be worse.

They have a lot of technical problems, and *NEVER* do anything about  

Then again, ebay is about as bad.  You can report glaring errors to  
ebay until you turn blue, and they never fix any of them.

"Where some they sell their dreams for small desires."

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