[geeks] Weird MacOS issue

sammy ominsky s at avoidant.org
Thu Dec 25 00:57:30 CST 2008

On 25/12/2008, at 07:10, der Mouse wrote:

> There is no clash, unless you think of lowercase and uppercase as "the
> same" in some relevant sense.

Well, I don't think of lowercase and uppercase as the same, but that's  
because of my working with case-sensitive filesystems, not because of  
the nature of language.  Non-users of case-sensitive filesystems,  
including the shrinking population of non-computer users, do not  
intuitively think of upper and lower case forms of the same letter as  
inherently different.

In all languages that I know of that have case, upper case is a  
different form of the same letter, to be used in special  
circumstances.  Hence the term "case".

> It's a matter of what you're doing with it.

Well, in my case, the problem was iTunes.  It's not an unsolvable  
problem.  On the contrary, once I took the time to fix it, I now have  
a meticulously tagged music collection!


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