[geeks] Solaris linking issue

Joshua Boyd jdboyd at jdboyd.net
Fri Dec 5 09:16:14 CST 2008

On Dec 5, 2008, at 7:44 AM, Francois Dion wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 12:07 AM, Joshua Boyd <jdboyd at jdboyd.net>  
> wrote:
>> On Dec 3, 2008, at 5:31 PM, Joshua Boyd wrote:
>>> I have a program that depends on ICU, a unicode library.  Solaris  
>>> comes
>>> with an older version (that is too old) of this library at /usr/ 
>>> lib.  Before
>>> realizing that (and it is too old anyway), I installed the latest  
>>> released
>>> version in /usr/local/.
>>> Anyway, then I try to run my program, it gripes about not finding  
>>> the
>>> symbol ucol_close_4_0.  That symbol is found in
>>> /usr/local/lib/libicui18n.so, but not in /usr/lib.
>>> So, I suspect that the run time linker is picking the older /usr/ 
>>> lib.  How
>>> do I force it to correct this without removing the old one(which  
>>> I suspect
>>> is required elsewhere) or permanently changing crle since I only  
>>> want this
>>> one program to use the new library?
>> In the end, the issue turned out to be that the new build of ICU  
>> was 64bits
>> while everything else was 32bits, including the Sun installed  
>> version.
>>  Recompiling ICU as 32bits fixed the problem right up.
> That doesn't sound right. Everything is available in 32 and 64 bit
> under Solaris 10. I've not had to deal with 32 bit only libs.
> /usr/lib/64/libicui18n.so -> ./libicui18n.so.3
> You have a different crle path for 64 bit:
> crle -64
> vs
> crle
> As for your original issue of hardwiring a lib, you use the -R option:
> "Builds dynamic library search paths into the executable file."
> I've used it in the past, works as you would expect.

You are forgetting that my complaint was that it was falling back to  
a preinstalled version that was too old rather than using the version  
that I built.

The version of ICU that I built was compiled for 64bits while erlang  
and other libraries were only compiled for 32bits, so the linker went  
back to the old Sun installed 32bit version.

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