[geeks] Solaris linking issue

Mike Meredith very at zonky.org
Wed Dec 3 17:42:17 CST 2008

On Wed, 3 Dec 2008 18:21:33 -0500, Joshua Boyd wrote:
> Maybe I should be asking how to find out exactly what library it is  
> trying to load.  The symbol being complained about is in a library  
> linked to another library that is run time loaded, so ldd ./couchdb  
> won't show me anything (actually ./couchdb is a script, but ldd erlc  
> will also show me nothing useful since ICU is being used by a
> library that erlc loads in response to a runtime command).

Isn't there an -R flag when compiling under Solaris that specifies the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH (sort of) for that specific binary ? I think that's how
OpenCSW/Blastwave get over exactly the problem you're having. It may be
worth checking their sites to see if they've got some hints.

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