[geeks] 3kVA UPS

Dan Sikorski me at dansikorski.com
Mon Apr 21 15:29:58 CDT 2008

der Mouse wrote:
>>>>> I just picked up a 3kVA UPS on ebay for $0.99!  Woohoo!
>>>> If it's anything like the stack of 3kva APC units I have, you'll
>>>> not be "picking up" too easily...
>>> I'm going to have help moving it.
>> Real Geeks ... build themselves a robotic exo-skeleton and lift if
>> themselves.
> And power the exoskeleton electrically...and run it off the UPS. :)
Naah, the real geek would watch his friend build the exoskeleton, then 
crack it, and write a script to make him do the hokey pokey everytime he 
tries to pick up a UPS.  :)  THAT's what it's all about.


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