[geeks] drive cage fan for Dell T105 server

Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Wed Apr 16 23:41:50 CDT 2008

On Apr 12, 2008, at 02:05 , Michael C. Vergallen wrote:

> Does not mean that specs are not available somewhere .. because most  
> of
> the parts in dell systems are custom parts Mftrd for dell by third
> parties. So specs are around.The difficult bit is finding someone who
> has them and is able to devulge the info...

They might be, but I do know some people who have had boards made, and  
there never were any specs for things like that.

Boards and parts were made, and when the spares ran out, that was it.   
You had an orphan.

I'm sure Dell does have access to the specs, the trick is getting them.

Today I called to bitch about it.

I'm going to do that every month or so and write to them requesting it.

It would be great if other owners would as well.

It took me 4 months to get IBM to give me a manual for one of their  
small workstations. For about 2 months they even claimed that they  
didn't have them.

Sometimes you just gotta be a bitch.

"Where some they sell their dreams for small desires."

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