[geeks] AAPL > IBM

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Tue Oct 23 16:04:44 CDT 2007

>From: Mike Meredith <very at zonky.org>
>Date: 2007/10/23 Tue PM 03:32:32 CDT
>To: geeks at sunhelp.org
>Subject: Re: [geeks] AAPL > IBM

>Of the four audio
>players I'm familiar with, only the Sansa E200 has a sensible way of
>replacing the battery. The iRiver iHP100 can be disassembled with a
>screwdriver, but isn't easy enough to be 'user-replaceable'; the
>Toshiba gigabeat and the iPod are worse.

What, you wrap a $100 bill around the unit and send it back to Apple (in the case of the iPod, anyway ;^) - what's so bad about that? 8^)

Steve Jobs told me it wasn't a problem, and until I can get my Steve Jobs Reality Distortion Field Jammer I have no choice but to believe him. He was right about the no power button thing too, you know...


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