[geeks] ibook G4 dust removal

John Francini francini at mac.com
Tue Oct 9 14:17:04 CDT 2007

Isn't much of the heatsink visible when you flip down the keyboard?   
One of those cans of dust-off ought to do the trick.

Also -- the question is more WHY is the fan running extensively?  In  
my experience, it's not been clogged airflow, but something causing  
the CPU to run full tilt all the time.

Have you tried using either Activity Monitor or top to see what's  
going on on the system?  Especially if the machine isn't doing  
anything, you should see a load average below 0.1.  If it's  
consistenly high, something's wrong.


On 9 Oct 2007, at 14:06, Dan Duncan wrote:

> The fan is running extensively on my wife's G4 ibook. Any tips on
> getting to and/or cleaning out the heatsink would be great.  Thanks!
> -- 
> Dan Duncan
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