[geeks] fwd: Microsoft demands royalties for open-source software

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Tue May 15 13:08:00 CDT 2007

On Tue, 15 May 2007, Sandwich Maker wrote:

> anyone think these cases have serious merit, or is the deep-pockets
> just trying to bury the opposition with legal costs?

Royalties for open source, huh?  Okay, how about 3% of gross sales?

Or possibly anyone running Apache on an open-source operating system can
counter-claim again Microsoft for damages incurred every time one of
their infected PCs turns into a spam-spewing zombie?  I suspect MSFT
would come out behind on that sort of deal.

Jonathan Patschke ) "If we keep our pride, though paradise is lost, we
Elgin, TX        (   will pay the price, but we cannot count the cost."
USA               )                             --Neil Peart, "Bravado"

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