[geeks] WANTED: Apple ProDOS on 5.25" floppy

william pointon wpointon at earthlink.net
Fri May 4 19:52:10 CDT 2007

hope this is helpfull - has images of apple disks


On 03 May, 2007, at 23:00, wa2egp at att.net wrote:

> -------------- Original message ----------------------
> From: Charles Shannon Hendrix <shannon at widomaker.com>
>> I picked up an Apple IIe to play around with, and realized I don't  
>> have
>> any software for it on 5.25" floppy.
>> Could anyone send me at least a ProDOS floppy to get me bootstrapped,
>> and maybe a comm program to transfer other files from my UNIX host?
>> ProDOS 3.x preferred, but just about anything working at this point
>> would be nice.
>> Yet another thing I threw away without thinking some time ago.
>> -- 
>> shannon
> I'll see what I can dig up.  I just used my Apple IIc to demo  
> something
> in my class.  I should be able to send you a copy.  Will look
> tomorrow.
> Bob
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