[geeks] DST hell

Bryan Fullerton fehwalker at gmail.com
Sat Mar 10 23:45:14 CST 2007

On 3/10/07, Mike Hebel <nimitz at nimitzbrood.com> wrote:
> > NTP uses UTC, the client still needs accurate DST tables ;)
> Not if the server is a patched client and serves to the desktops.

This doesn't scale beyond a LAN. As soon as you're talking over the
Internet your time is broken.

> You turn off DST on the desktops and they take the time from the local
> authoritative server which is set to it's local clock but SETS it's
> local clock per patched DST and ntp.

How does this work if you have to convert time/date information on the
client machine? Like, say, an email date header from someone outside
your organization.

> (0) You _are_ making sure your users logout every night right?  Unless
> of course you've got third-shift people that is.

Not since last century, no. I reboot my work XP machine once a week,
or whenever we push out patches with WSUS. All important data is on
servers that are backed up nightly.


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