[geeks] Google Images Facial Recognition!

Brian Dunbar brian.dunbar at liftport.com
Mon Jun 4 22:43:45 CDT 2007

sammy ominsky wrote:
> On 03/06/2007, at 05:50, Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:
>> Think a moment: how effective is any kind of technique if over 90%  
>> of the time
>> you apply it to the wrong target?
>> It has nothing to do with being treated "special", it has to be  
>> with effective
>> use of limited resources.
>> Spending them on the 1% probability and ignoring the 99%  
>> probability is not a
>> winning game.
> This is the key to El-Al's previously mentioned success.  Their  
> entire process is based on profiling, plain and simple.  They have  
> young men and women who are trained in psychological profiling and  
> who circulate among the crowd of passengers *talking* to people.   
> Based on their observations passengers are shunted to either the high- 
> security or the go-right-through lanes.
> This would never work in the US.  It's too rational, and does not  
> treat everyone with the same level of suspicion.

When will El-Al offer service between US cities?  I'm so on board with a
program like that.

Brian Dunbar
System Administrator
Liftport - The Space Elevator Company

brian.dunbar at liftport.com
aim: bdunbar1967

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Meaningful Work or Death.
Any other form of existence doesn't interest me.

Hugh Macleod

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