[geeks] Info on FC-Al configuration...

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Wed Jan 3 12:02:15 CST 2007

Hello all,

Today I picked up the companion of the old Dell 6350 server I bought last month, along with a huge stack of FC-AL hardware. The stack seems to consist of the following:

2x Dell 6350 each with 4x PIII Xeon 550 & 2 Gig RAM
1x Dell 650F Fiber RAID controller with two controllers, 10x 18 Gig Seagate drives
3x Dell 630F Fiber drive shelves, each with 10x 18 Gig Seagate drives
1x Dell SPS (UPS in a 1U tray for the 650F)
and (apparently) all the cables to tie it all together

But I have no exp. with any of this - any good pointers? I am getting ready to start reading the Dell manuals, but thought I'd ask here as well...

Also, I got a Dell PowerEdge 2400 _with_ the "PERC 2/si" controller RAM & software key, but support for this RAID controller is not included in Solaris after Solaris 7...


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