[geeks] More on global warming

Patrick Giagnocavo patrick at zill.net
Fri Dec 21 18:37:26 CST 2007

On Dec 21, 2007, at 3:52 PM, Dr Robert Pasken wrote:

> spend more time learning about the science and less time reading  
> "reports"
> paid for by lobbiest for the oil/gas industry. T

Actually the best way is to look at it mathematically and ask:

"is it possible with our current level of knowledge about the various  
physical systems that make up climate, and the computing power  
available, to end up with an accurate climate model" ?

A moment or two's reflection on the difficulty of modeling only the  
Gulf Stream that flows from the Gulf of Mexico to Newfoundland,  will  
show that all climate change models must be inherently flawed.


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