[geeks] New Tech Schools: Digital Harbor in Baltimore

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 14:03:26 CDT 2007

Phil Stracchino wrote:
> der Mouse wrote:
>>> We don't often look at our own writing at age 18, and it can come as
>>> a nasty shock to see just how bad we used to be!
>> Back when I was about 13 or 14, I (re)invented bubblesort.
>> I was so proud of myself.  My code could sort 20 or so numbers in
>> nothing flat!
> Has anyone ever come up with a faster algorithm than quicksort?

Quantum bogosort?

For certain border cases, quicksort can be thrown for a loop, so 
sometimes it's better to use a setup that starts with quicksort and 
decays to a more linear sort.

Peace...  Sridhar

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